ramkatsee AT gmail DOT com
Department of Engineering,
Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy
I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Industrial Engineering, Università degli Studi di Trento, Italy, where I am working with Prof. Giulia Giordano
Before that, I obtained a Ph.D from the school of Electrical Engineering in Tel-Aviv University, where I was privileged to be mentored by Prof. Emilia Fridman
Before that, I completed my B.Sc and M.Sc in Applied Mathematics at the School of Mathematical Sciences in Tel-Aviv University.
My main research interests revolve around Control Theory of PDEs, Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Algebraic Methods for Inverse Problems.
I have recently won the prestigious Juan de la Cierva fellowship.
1. R. Katz and Y. Shkolnisky, “Sampling and approximation of bandlimited volumetric data”. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 47, 235-247, 2018.
2. A. Ditkowski and R. Katz, “On spectral approximations with non-standard weight functions and their implementations to generalized chaos expansions”. Journal of Scientific Computing, 79, 2019.
3. R. Katz, M. Margaliot and E. Fridman, “Entrainment to subharmonic trajectories in oscillatory discrete-time systems”. Automatica, 140, 2020. Selected as Editor's Choice for June 2020 (link)
4. R. Katz and E. Fridman, “Constructive method for finite-dimensional observer-based control of 1-D parabolic PDEs”. Automatica, 122, 2020.
5. R. Katz, E. Fridman and A. Selivanov, “Boundary delayed observer-controller design for reaction- diffusion systems”. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 66, no. 1, 275-282, 2021.
6. R. Katz and E. Fridman, “Delayed finite-dimensional observer-based control of 1-D parabolic PDEs”. Automatica, 123, 2021.
7. R. Katz and E. Fridman, “Finite-dimensional control of the heat equation: Dirichlet actuation and point measurement”. European Journal of Control, 62, 158-164, 2021. ECC Special Issue.
8. R. Katz and E. Fridman, “Sub-predictors and classical predictors for finite-dimensional observer-based control of parabolic PDEs”. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 6, 626-631, 2022.
9. R. Katz and E. Fridman, “Sampled-data finite-dimensional boundary control of 1D parabolic PDEs under point measurement via a novel ISS Halanay’s inequality”. Automatica, 135, 2022.
10. R. Katz and E. Fridman, “Regional stabilization of the nonlinear 1D Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation via modal decomposition”. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 6, 1814-1819, 2022.
11. R. Katz and E. Fridman, “Global finite-dimensional observer-based stabilization of a semilinear heat equation with large input delay”. Systems & Control Letters, 165, 2022.
12. R. Katz and E. Fridman, “Delayed finite-dimensional observer-based control of 1D parabolic PDEs via reduced-order LMIs”. Automatica, 142, 2022.
13. R. Katz and E. Fridman, “Finite-dimensional boundary control of the linear Kuramoto- Sivashinsky equation under point measurement with guaranteed L2 -gain”. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 67, 10, 2022.
14. R. Katz, E. Attias, T. Tuller, and M. Margaliot, “Translation in the cell under fierce competition for shared resources: a mathematical model”. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 19, 197, 2022.
15. P. Wang, R. Katz, and E. Fridman, “Constructive finite-dimensional boundary control of stochastic 1D parabolic PDEs”. Automatica, 148, 110793, 2023.
16. R. Katz and E. Fridman, “Global stabilization of a 1D semilinear heat equation via modal decomposition and direct Lyapunov approach”. Automatica, 149, 110809, 2023.
17. R. Katz, N. Diab and D. Batenkov, “Decimated Prony’s method for stable super-resolution”. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 30, pp. 1467-1471, 2023.
18. R. Katz, F. Mazenc and E. Fridman, “Constructive method for averaging-based stability via a delay free transformation”. Automatica, 163, 111568, 2024.
19. F. Calà Campana, R. Katz and G. Giordano, “Sequential-Quadratic-Hamiltonian optimal control of epidemic models with an arbitrary number of infected and non-infected compartments”. IEEE Control Systems Letters. 2024.
20. R. Katz, N. Diab and D. Batenkov, “On the accuracy of Prony’s method for recovery of exponential sums with closely spaced exponents”. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis.
21. R. Katz, T. Kriecherbauer, L. Grune and M. Margaliot, “On the gain of entrainment in a class of contractive bilinear control systems”. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization.
22. A. Jbara, R. Katz and E. Fridman, “Scalar averaging of rapidly-varying discrete-time systems via a non-delayed transformation”. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. To appear. Early access: 10.1109/TAC.2024.3462733.
1. R. Katz, G. Giordano and M. Margaliot, “Instability of equilibrium and existence of attracting periodic orbits in general strongly 2-cooperative systems”.
2. R. Katz, G. Giordano and D. Batenkov, “Data-driven identification of reaction-diffusion dynamics from finitely many non-local noisy measurements by exponential fitting”.
3. D. Proverbio, R. Katz and G. Giordano, “Robustness and resilience of dynamical networks in biology and epidemiology”.
4. R. Katz, G. Giordano and M. Margaliot, “Existence of attracting periodic orbits in 3-dimensional strongly 2-cooperative systems”.
5. R. Katz, E. Fridman and F. Mazenc, “Averaging-based ISS analysis of systems with rapidly varying periodic delays”.
1. R. Katz, M. Margaliot and E. Fridman - On Totally Positive Discrete-Time Systems. MED 2019: Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. Akko, Israel - July 2019.
2. R. Katz, E. Fridman and A. Selivanov - Network-Based Boundary Observer-Controller Design for 1D Heat Equation. 58th Conference on Decision and Control. Nice, France - December 2019.
3. R. Katz and E. Fridman - Finite-Dimensional Observer-Based Controller for Linear 1-D Heat Equation: An LMI Approach. 21st IFAC World Congress. Berlin, Germany - July 2020.
4. R. Katz and E. Fridman - Finite-Dimensional Observer-Based Control of Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Equation Under Point Measurement and Actuation. 59th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2020). Jeju Island, Republic of Korea - December 2020.
5. R. Katz and E. Fridman - Delayed Finite-Dimensional Observer-Based Control of 1-D Linear Heat Equation. 24th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2021). Cambridge - August 2021. Cancelled due to Covid-19.
6. R. Katz and E. Fridman – Sampled Data Finite-Dimensional Boundary Control of the 1-D Heat Equation Under Point Measurement. The European Control Conference (ECC 2021). Rotterdam, Netherlands – June 2021. Best student paper award finalist (one of five)
7. R. Katz, I. Basre and E. Fridman - Delayed finite-dimensional observer-based control of 1D heat equation under Neumann actuation. The European Control Conference (ECC 2021). Rotterdam, Netherlands – June 2021.
8. R. Katz and E. Fridman – Sub-predictors and classical predictors for finite-dimensional observer-based control of parabolic PDEs. The 60th conference on decision and control (CDC 2021). Austin, Texas, USA – December 2021.
9. P. Wang, R. Katz and E. Fridman – Finite-dimensional observer-based control of 1D stochastic parabolic PDEs. The American Control Conference (ACC 2022). Atlanta, Georgia, USA – June 2022
10. R. Katz and E. Fridman,- Regional stabilization of the nonlinear 1D Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation via modal decomposition. 2022 American Control Conference (ACC 2022). USA, 06/2022.
11. P. Wang, R. Katz, and E. Fridman - Constructive method for boundary control of stochastic 1D parabolic PDEs. The 25th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2022). Bayreuth, Germany - September 2022.
12. R. Katz, E. Fridman and I. Basre - Network-based deployment of multi-agents without communication of leaders with multiple followers: a PDE approach. 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC2022). Cancun, Mexico, 12/2022.
13. C. Kitsos, R. Katz and E.Fridman - Internal stabilization of three interconnected semilinear reaction- diffusion PDEs with one actuated state. 22nd IFAC World Congress.
14. R. Katz, F. Mazenc and E. Fridman - Stability by averaging via time-varying Lyapunov functions. 22nd IFAC World Congress. Yokohama, Japan, 07/2023.
15. R. Katz, F. Mazenc and E. Fridman - ISS of rapidly time-varying systems via a novel presentation and delay-free transformation. 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC2023). Singapore, 12/2023.
16. A. Jbara, R. Katz and E. Fridman - Stability by averaging of linear discrete-time systems. 2024 European Control Conference (ECC24), Stockholm, Sweden, 06/2024.
17. D. Proverbio, R. Katz and G. Giordano - Bridging Robustness and Resilience for Dynamical Systems in Nature. 26th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2024). Cambridge, UK, 08/2024.
18. R. Katz, G. Giordano and D. Batenkov - Data-driven delay estimation in reaction-diffusion systems via Prony’s method. 18th Workshop on Time Delay Systems (TDS 2024). Udine, Italy, 09/2024.
1. U.Sutulovic, D.Proverbio, R. Katz and G.Giordano, “EfficientgPC-basedquantificationofprobabilistic robustness for systems in neuroscience”.
• 04/2021: “Finite-dimensional observer-based control of parabolic PDEs”, Distributed parameter systems online seminar. International audience.
• 12/2021: “Finite-dimensional observer-based ISS and L2-gain control of parabolic PDEs”, ISS and applications online seminar. International audience.
• 12/2021: “Sampled-data control of parabolic PDEs”, Dept. of Applied Mathematics seminar at Tel Aviv University, Israel.
• 04/2022: “Constructive delayed control of distributed parameter systems”, Drakhlin’s online seminar on functional differential equations. International audience.
• 06/2022: “Multi-agent deployment via sampled-data control of Distributed Parameter Systems”, Ben- Gurion University Electrical Engineering Seminar, Beer-Sheva, Israel.
• 03/2023: “On the accuracy of Prony’s method for stable super-resolution”, Ben-Gurion University Electrical Engineering Seminar, Beer-Sheva, Israel.
• 05/2023: “On the gain of entrainment in a class of contractive bilinear control systems”, University of Passau systems and control seminar, Passau, Germany.
• 05/2023: “On the accuracy of Prony’s method for stable super-resolution”, University of Bayreuth systems and control seminar, Bayreuth, Germany.
• 07/2023: “On the gain of entrainment in a class of contractive bilinear control systems”, University of Trento Dept. of Engineering Seminar, Trento, Italy.
• 12/2023: “On the gain of entrainment in a class of contractive bilinear control systems”, Drakhlin’s online seminar on functional differential equations. International audience.
• 05/2024: “ISS and stability of delayed rapidly varying systems – novel constructive approaches”, Free University of Bolzano Dept. of Engineering Seminar, Bolzano, Italy.
• 06/2024: “Constrained system identification of reaction-diffusion equations: a bridge between control and inverse problems”, Tel Aviv University Dept. of Applied Mathematics Seminar, Tel Aviv, Israel.
I can be reached via my email address: ramkatsee AT gmail DOT com .
My current location: Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Trento, Office S15-01-1103, 1st floor, Povo 2, Via Sommarive, 9 - 38123 Povo, ITALY.